Love is (still) the answer

To heal the world we must heal ourselves. We can’t expect “heaven on earth” if we go around feeling frustrated, angry, or dissatisfied with the world.  The new Utopia will expand and grow as we find, grow, and nurture peace and love within our own beings. In order to establish this, we have to accept […]

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This is not a world. It is a dimension. It is a realm of limitless possibilities, filled with beings in possession of an ever expansive mind. Beings who despite all of this choose to limit themselves to a singular reality. They do this without the realization that things are not what they seem to be. […]

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You can control your own vibration

You have the ability to expand or contract your vibration. When you ‘judge’ you generally contract or lock yourself out from expanding. When you accept ‘what is’ – in the moment you are prone to expansion. It is helpful to remain aware of your state, and the state of others and to practice openness. If […]

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The Pain of Separation

Since in ultimate reality we are all One, all emotional pain derives from egoic separation.  Abandonment, loss of a loved one through circumstance or death of the body, or even by separating ourselves through anger or judgement.  The pain we feel can be a driving force for us to seek the eternal spirit within and […]

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Education for Life

How about this?  Learning to live. Life success skills.  Problem solving, time management, creative visualization, integrity, honorable interactions, contracting and negotiating, memory and other mind skills.  Personal development.  Addictions. Cooking, cleaning.  Home repair and maintenance.  Healthful environment management. Cultivating food!  Healthy eating. Child rearing. Understanding God and your place and purpose in the Universe. So […]

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